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After finishing my last two designs using string scraps and lots of black fabric as a background, I had as you can imagine lots of scraps. Nothing disappears in my sewing room, just change the location and purpose. So, from what has left I put together this design. Called with a help from friends Midnight Fireworks. I use cuts from string blocks and crumbs made from different shades of black here but you could replace elements with adding tape strips and use yardage. Crumbs will take time but I love multiple layers of seams in the crumbs made from the same solid fabric. Its just another level of happiness for me. Happy sewing!

After few months, I now changed the blade to new. One blade every 5 months is a bargain. Check my YouTube review.

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Please see below links to some tools and materials used during this project. As an Amazon Associate, I may earn from qualifying purchases but without any additional cost to you:

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Another scrapper here. Base of the block made of strings of different colours, patterns and width, contoured using black solid. I really like how black or dark solid colour brings the string scraps colours to the front. Also, this design managed to empty my string bucket so a bonus! If you don’t have strings, you can easily make some crumbs and use that instead. It will eat a lot of them. Make one section for a great table or bed runner, or more for very modern quilt top. You can also throw some cushion covers as well. Very happy with how it came out. Happy sewing!

After few months, I now changed the blade to new. One blade every 5 months is a bargain. Check my YouTube review.

Follow this affiliate link if you like to check them yourself and take advantage of great price offer! shipping worldwide!

Please see below links to some tools and materials used during this project. As an Amazon Associate, I may earn from qualifying purchases but without any additional cost to you:

My Favourite tools and equipment in sewing room UK links:

My Favourite tools and equipment in sewing room US links:


Scrap buster #62 Black diamond dash with string scraps

Working with strings is very rewarding. You can make so many different blocks out of scraps. With string blocks you don’t have to worry if fabric fits together, it is by default a mix of everything and anything. But it also can be quite busy quilt. So, I have added black to balance all the colours, make it look modern and create number of layouts. From one block design you can have few different quilt tops and each will be unique. Happy sewing!

After few months, I now changed the blade to new. One blade every 5 months is a bargain. Check my YouTube review.

Follow this affiliate link if you like to check them yourself and take advantage of great price offer! shipping worldwide!

Please see below links to some tools and materials used during this project. As an Amazon Associate, I may earn from qualifying purchases but without any additional cost to you:

My Favourite tools and equipment in sewing room UK links:

My Favourite tools and equipment in sewing room US links:

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