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My scraps do have a long journey around my sewing room. Starting from bigger blocks, string blocks, crumbs and adding tape sewing, and then – what else can I make from smallest pieces? Braid it! Adding tape is great for this project as it will keep you on track with the middle as well as keep all the seams stable until you would like to use the strips in your sewing. If you don’t like working with paper, thin fabric strips or lightweight interfacing is a great replacement. I made mine from plain fabric colours but they will look awesome in any combination. No waste sewing and such a fun addition to any quilted project. Happy sewing!

Still working with the same blade I have showed you in last update/review.

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The importance of good tools – Titanium blades review Do you know how you can become efficient and effective – by using good quality tools. You don’t need many but the better tools you use the better results you will receive. Also, it is cost effective most of the times. In this video long announced review of titanium blades received from The Fabrichut based in USA. Just have a look how much work I was able to complete with just one blade! And its still going strong! This is outstanding.

Follow this affiliate link if you like to check them yourself and take advantage of great price offer! shipping worldwide!

Please see below links to some tools and materials used during this project. As an Amazon Associate, I may earn from qualifying purchases but without any additional cost to you:

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Potato chip block is an awesome scrap buster which can be customised, as it is based on magic numbers principle. I have gone BIG here to allow for free hand curves to be added. I don’t do difficult, so I cut my pieces slightly bigger to square up to final size after I made my crinkles on individual pieces. You can use up larger scraps of random fabrics, maybe forgotten layer cake or fat quarters, how about upcycling some shirts? Anything you have will work and look awesome. There are other layouts for individual pieces, so if you don’t like potato chip or you made plenty of crinkles, you can still make great project with these pieces and not repeat design. Because pieces are big, my baby quilt for project Linus was finished in no time. Happy sewing!

Please see below links to some tools and materials used during this project. As an Amazon Associate, I may earn from qualifying purchases but without any additional cost to you:

My Favourite tools and equipment in sewing room UK links:

My Favourite tools and equipment in sewing room US links:

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